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Election 2025

Student union election 2025

Every spring term, the Örebro student union conducts elections to vote for who will be involved and drive the organization forward for the next financial year. Between February 17 and March 9, every individual regular member of the Örebro student union can nominate himself or another member for full-time paid positions and other positions of trust or to be a student representative. Elections to the student union sections are also carried out in the spring - where the nomination period runs between March 3 - 16.

As a student union, we are tasked with appointing representatives to bodies within Örebro University where decisions are prepared or where decisions are taken on matters relating to the students education or situation.

Örebro Student Union appoints as the only student union at Örebro University all student representatives in the university's bodies. In these matters, the representatives must represent all students at the university, regardless of whether they are members or not. In order to be elected as a student representative, however, one must be a regular member of the Örebro student union.

Click on and read more about the various posts and nominate yourself or someone else!

Selection to Central entries

Elections for central posts - Nomination period 17 February - 9 March

Election of full-time paid and other positions of trust

Full-time employees are elected by the Örebro student union council in connection with the election each spring semester. The full-time employees consist of the president of the Örebro student union, two vice-presidents and Lösnummer's editor-in-chief - and in other words, they devote themselves to their assignments full-time. There are, in addition to them, part-time paid positions.

Read more about optional full-time paid and other positions of trust below

Full-time employees

The president of the Örebro student union is politically elected by the General Assembly and has overall responsibility for leading the activities of the Örebro student union. The chairman is responsible for student political issues and for contact with external actors such as the municipality and university management as well as with other student unions. The chairman, together with the vice-chairmen, leads the union board's work to implement the business plan on behalf of the General Council, and has the primary responsibility for the union board meeting in accordance with the statutes and leading the work forward. Internally in the organization, the chairman is also responsible for finances and budget work, must lead all meetings assigned to the chairman according to the union board's policy and be the contact person for Örebro student union's elected representatives. External work, as I said, consists of being in contact with actors such as the municipality, the university and the region in external organizational and strategic issues and overall student policy issues.

Vice-chairman with education policy responsibility (utb.pol.) is responsible for monitoring and influencing the education conducted at Örebro University. As deputy expt.pol. you push the organization's educational policy goals forward, get updated on the current educational policy situation at Örebro University, support the union sections in their work with educational issues and receive support from national organizations in your work. In addition to this, you are responsible for the organization of the Örebro student union's student representatives and are the contact person for the Örebro student union's elected representatives, especially in matters relating to education policy issues and questions connected to one's assignment as a student representative. You are also the contact for the General Assembly's meeting presidium, and you are responsible for the Örebro student union's prestigious prize "Pedagogical prize", which is awarded to two teachers who give that little extra in their teaching.

As vice president with student social responsibility, you work with political influence work, locally as well as nationally, and represent all students at Örebro University in student social matters. Study social issues concern prerequisites for studies such as study environment, security, equality, student housing and social activities. You work with student housing policy issues and therefore dialogue with student housing companies in Örebro, participate in student housing conferences and are the media's contact person on these issues. You are also the main student safety representative and convene the Örebro student union's safety council, sit on the university's Safety Committee and construction meetings. There you represent the students in matters of safety and the physical, psychological and psychosocial study environment. You also participate in security patrols and security walks on the university's three Campuses. As a member of the university's Equality Council, you represent the students' case in equality issues and are ultimately responsible for equality issues concerning students and educations. You are most responsible for the introduction from the Örebro student union and sit in the Qrake group together with the Introduction manager and the generals of all union sections.

Vice-chairman with business life responsibility is mainly responsible for Örebro student union's work with labor market and business life issues, as well as responsible for Örebro student union's contacts with business life. Vice-chairman with business life responsibility is also the primary support to the union sections in labor market and business life issues.

Lösnummer's editor-in-chief is politically elected by the Council and has overall responsibility for the Örebro student union's independent student newspaper, Lösnummer, and its operations. The editor-in-chief is responsible for the editorial staff, external contacts (such as printing and UngMedia) and runs the continuous development work and is accountable to the General Assembly. This means participating in Örebro student union's council meetings, submitting an activity plan, budget, publication plan and activity report. The documents are written in consultation with Lösnummer's board. Being the editor-in-chief of Lösnummer also means responsibility for accounting for Lösnummer's finances and ensuring that work is carried out in accordance with the press ethics rules for press, radio and television, as well as passing the working method on to the members of the editorial team.

Click here to nominate yourself or someone else
Örebro student union election procedure
Electoral Board

Elections to the student union sections

Elections to the student union sections - Nomination period March 3 - 16

Election of councilors

Councilors are elected in connection with the respective union section's election meeting, which takes place during the month of April. The distribution of mandates to the council is regulated in the Örebro student union statute and is based on the previous year's membership and number of students at the represented institution. Each union section can elect as many ordinary members to the council as the union section has the number of mandates in the council. Each union section can elect as many deputies as the union section has the number of mandates in the council, plus two additional deputies in addition to these. Read more about the Full Council (FUM), its mission and requirements to be elected as a council member by click here

Election of Student Representatives

Student representatives are elected by the Örebro student union council, union board and union sections depending on where within the university's organization the student representative is to act. How student representatives are elected and which positions are available for election are regulated in the Örebro student union's election regulations.

At departmental level, the union sections are responsible for appointing student representatives, at overall university level the council and union board are responsible for appointing student representatives. Every spring term before the new academic year, the council holds elections for student representatives. The corps sections are responsible according to their own regulations and governing documents for appointing their student representatives.

On the right of the page, you will find our guide to the assignment as a student representative and the Örebro student union's election procedure. In the guide, you will find information about what the assignment as a student representative entails and information about various bodies where we have the right to be represented. In the election order, you will find dates for the Örebro student union's union election as well as all student representative positions within Örebro University.

Do you have questions about student representation? Contact the Örebro student union coordinator at

Do you want to get involved specifically with your institution? Contact the responsible section  for more information on how to proceed.

Read more about elective student representative positions below

The University's Management Organisation

Number of student representatives: 2 (of which 1 PhD student) The University Board is the university's highest decision-making body. According to the Higher Education Act, the board has "overview of all the affairs of the higher education institution and is responsible for the fulfillment of its tasks". Eight members, including the chairman, are appointed by the government and represent public interests. The board also includes the principal, three teachers and three students as regular members. Representatives of the employees (union representatives) have the right to attend and speak at the board's meetings, as do the head of internal auditors and others who belong to the university management.


Do you want to sit on the union board?

Directly subordinate to the Örebro student union (ÖS) general council is the union board - Örebro student union's highest executive body.

The corps board consists of the ÖS chairman, the ÖS two vice-chairmen and a member from each corps section (usually the corps section's chairman or vice-chairman). The board's main tasks can be summed up as implementing the council's decisions and managing the organization.

The union board is responsible for a large part of the Örebro student union's political work towards the university, municipality, region and business. The political issues often concern the overall student population, while the boards of the union sections pursue issues with a closer connection to the students of their institution.

Are you interested in sitting on the union board? Contact the responsible corps section  for more information.

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